Chris M Yee’s narrative encompasses, yet expands the definitions of the human body: how it shapes our lives, performs as a vessel and builds layer upon layer. From years of grime, history, and scars, our skin, the boundary between our external and internal world cradles our memories. Ideas of commodification, globalization, and consumption are examined though unpacking their role in the 21st century and how they pertain to life’s temporality. Through sculptural and two-dimensional approaches, their work dances delicately between the boundaries of memory, dreamscapes and present day.

photograph by Jarod Fowler

Partnerships & commissions

Born in 1999 San Francisco, California 

Art Fairs


July, Kaleidoscope Studios BK, Brooklyn, NY

April, Immortal Femme Collective, Oakland, CA

April, Everdaze Artist Alley, San Francisco, CA

Feb, How We Do It, San Francisco, CA


Dec, Kinnect, San Francisco, CA

Dec, How We Do It, San Francisco, CA

Oct, How We Do It, San Francisco, CA

Oct, Potrero Hill R&B Festival, San Francisco, CA

Sept, How We Do It, San Francisco, CA

Sept, Look Me Up by Hey Neighbor Cafe, San Francisco, CA

Aug, Califest, Berkley, CA

Aug, How We Do It, San Francisco, CA

July, Butterfly Collective, San Francisco, CA

July, Never Ending Comedy, Los Angeles, CA

July, Good Neighbor, Los Angeles, CA

June, House of Sumo Night Market, San Francisco, CA

June, Queer Art Faire, San Francisco, CA

May, Muni Raised Me, San Francisco, CA

April, Shapeshifter Bazaar, San Francisco, CA

March, Queer Art Faire, San Francisco, CA


Dec, Immortal Femme Collective, Oakland, CA

Dec, Harvey Milk Holiday Fair, San Francisco, CA

Group Exhibitions 

2023 Transitions, Oakland, CA

2023 Mkt Gallery & Double Down Fundraiser, San Francisco, CA

2023 deYoung Open, San Francisco, CA

2022 Sea, The Drawing Room, San Francisco, CA

2022 Immortal Femme, Oakland, CA

2022 Proximity. K-art Gallery Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea

2022 Emulsion. Mary Porter Sesnon Gallery, Santa Cruz, California


2022 Irwin Scholars 

2022 Dean’s Awards

2022 Eduardo Carrillo Scholarship

2021 Irwin Grant

2021 Eduardo Carrillo Scholarship

2020 Irwin Grant

2019 Irwin Grant

2018 Merrill College Mural Selected

2017 Robert Squari Award 

2016 Honorable Mention - Asian Pacific Fund

2015 Honorable Mention - Asian Pacific Fund


University of California, Santa Cruz

image is linked to press article